Wprowadzenie do tematyki
PricewaterhouseCoopers: Czym jest Corporate Governance?
"Firma, która potrafi wykazać, że przestrzega zasad dobrego nadzoru i zarządzania spółkami – corporate governance będzie postrzegana jako innowacyjna, przejrzysta i bardziej atrakcyjna dla potencjalnych inwestorów, co z kolei umożliwi jej łatwiejszy dostęp do kapitału inwestycyjnego."
Institutional Shareholder Services: Comments to Polish Corporate Governance Code
"ISS supports Poland’s efforts, in the "Best Practices in Public Companies in 2005" draft prepared by the Best Practices Committee, to improve the legal, institutional, and regulatory framework for corporate governance, and to provide guidance and suggestions for all Polish companies in the process of developing good corporate governance practices."
Czasopisma branżowe
Przegląd Corporate Governance
Biuletyn Polskiego Instytutu Dyrektorów nr 1(4) 2005.
Czasopismo "Directors & Boards"
Corporate Board: The Journal of Corporate Governance
The Corporate Board is a 32-page, "no advertising," bi-monthly journal providing vital information to corporate directors and senior officers on a variety of corporate governance topics. The Corporate Board has become a standard director perquisite for insight on strategic corporate and global issues which have history-making impact on business and industry.
Bazy danych
The Corporate Governance Encyclopedia
The Corporate Library
The International Institute of Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Network
Corporate Governance na świecie
Asian Corporate Governance Association
China Center for Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance & Financial Reporting Centre (CGFRC)
Ameryka Północna
Canadian Coalition for Good Governance
Canadian Council of Chief Executives
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
Conference Board of Canada
Ameryka Łacińska
Caribbean Corporate Governance Forum
Australian Employee Ownership Association
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
British Accounting Association Corporate Governance Special Interest Group
Club of Florence – International Institute for Good Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance Initiative for Bulgaria
Danish Corporate Governance Network (DCGN)
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
European Federation of Employee Ownership
German Corporate Governance Network
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